The folks at The Gamers Realm have kindly asked me to help them with their project they call "Dr. Ferretstein". This involves bringing to life 10 characters in sketch form (3 views of each character), and 3 polished color images. They intend to brand their retail game store with these characters, and I believe use them as inspiration and illustration in stories later on.
So what's the gist of this story line? Basically, it involves animals who speak, wear clothes, and carry themselves as though they are human. Together with their human friends they have adventures and invent all manner of exciting things in a steam punk world.
What's steam punk you ask? Perhaps this will help:
I have had a lot of fun with these sketches so far, and only 5 of the characters have been completed. Please enjoy, and check back later to see the final images I have created for these sketches and later developments in the project.
This is Dr. Thomas Honeysweet, a lemur who is Ferretstein's old college buddy and current rival/nemesis:

This is Sir "Robin" Snuffington, a polar bear who is Dr. Ferretstein's lab assistant:

This is Buck Lattimer, an armadillo who is the pilot of Ferretsteins combat dirigible (and a proud Texan):

This is Miss Helene Fischer, a sugar glider who is a nurse:

This is Farnsworth, a butler who is a blue poison dart frog: