Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Order of Nine - the color studies

There are various stages that professional illustrators commonly use to create the right kind of image. These are the ones I use:

1. research and gather reference images
2. thumbnail sketches
3. shoot model(s) for photo reference. (takes the guess work out of form and lighting)
4. final sketch
5. color studies
6. final painting

After it is all done I have the piece professionally photographed and the file color corrected. This way I can be certain that my clients have the best possible digital file, and it's all ready to use.

Sometimes I do little sketch exercises to get me thinking before I begin the thumbnail stage, sometimes not. And, word to new illustrators: ALWAYS get your contracts and business arrangements out of the way before you begin any work.

So here I am, at the color study stage for my cover of the newest Order of Nine album. These are my ideas for the color scheme. When I do color studies I like to take the easy way out and I print out my sketch onto regular paper several times, then I paint over top with gouache paint.

I hope that they like them, and you do too. Do you have a favorite? Let me know.
I will let you know what they say.

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